  Cool Stuff

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Tips for winning a Game of H.O.R.S.E.

1.)Shake the goal post while your opponent is shooting.
2.)If you really want to win at H.O.R.S.E. don't be afraid to get a strawberry or two.
3.)Two words= DE-FENSE!
4.)Don't forget to box-out when your opponent shoots the ball.
5.)When the heat is on try a layup to spook your opponent.
6.)Psyche-out your opponent by calling them 'Hollywood', 'Brickster' or yell 'you suck' when they shoot the ball.
7.)On trick shots Always be conscious of ball inflation level.
8.)Practice the three 'trick' shots below.

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With your back to the goal hold the ball above your head.Then thrust the ballto the ground with the correct amount of force and awareness of the angle. If executed properly youwill be awarded with a  basket. (CAUTION: it is possible to tear muscles around humorus bone while attempting this shot.)
This is a take-off on an old classic. However, Instead of simply shooting from behind the basket-turn around with back  to basket and shoot theball over head. Remember to concentrate on the Rim and not the backboard.
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Face basket and hold ball behind self. Toss up ball  with proper trajectory and force. If the rim has lots of play this shot can be made easily. It may be useful to get a running start in order to makethis shot.


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